In Conversation: Jo Furniss
“One day, when I was living in Singapore, I saw a performance of Bian Lian—Chinese opera—with a dancer who wears many masks, changing them by sleight of hand so that the audience can’t see how it’s done. This so perfectly captured Ed that I put the dancer into the novel.” Jo Furniss on her latest novel, The Trailing Spouse.
WriteCon 2018 in Review
“Aim: Silence the inner editor and let your imagination out. Start writing something, anything. Use prompts, starting with the mundane and working towards essence.” A few hot tips from this year’s WriteCon.
In the Right Place: Meet November’s WriteCon Tutors
On Saturday 10 November, two exceptional women visit Zürich to lead workshops at WriteCon 2018. Say hello to Alison Baverstock and Louise O’Neill and learn how they found where they belong.
Where Do I Belong? A Guide to Professional Organisations for Writers
As a writer, there’s always somewhere you belong. Crime, fantasy, romance, historical, sci-fi, YA, horror and children’s fiction, there’s room for everyone. Here’s a list of some key international, UK and US organisations, where you may find exactly what you need.
Howl-Outs: Pack Publications
Readers, friends and contributors of The Woolf are blazing a trail in the literary world. Have a look at their recent successes—there’s something for everyone.
In Conversation: Elizabeth Boquet
“… ‘high and mighty’ could refer to the mysterious source of poetry. In my case, I have no idea where it comes from, or when it ‘might’ show up. I imagine it floating around up ‘high’ somewhere, looking for a safe place to land. My role, as a poet, is to remain aware and available, ready to write should it choose to come to me.” Switzerland-based poet Elizabeth Boquet.
In Conversation: Rosie Goldsmith
“Why is Switzerland such fertile ground for storytellers?” J.J. Marsh talks to Rosie Goldsmith about Literally Swiss, a ‘cabaret of Swiss writers’ event in London.
Writers Resist: Because we need to
“That night […] as some of ‘our’ refugees were coming to the Austrian border, we heard that Germany was closing the border to Austria. This was the beginning of the end of Schengen, Europe and everything we had hoped for as young students studying European law. What have we achieved since that night? What has split the world into two camps of supporters and opponents? What triggered all that hate? And why did I close my heart again after it had been ripped open so badly?” —Angie Weinberger
Zürich Writers Resist 2018: Clare O’Dea speaks
“But what use is this concern? It is choking. It is debilitating. It feeds a bright futile flame that burns no-one but me. I hate to tell you folks, but I do not feel on the winning side of anything right now with all my precious concern. And I know you feel it too, or you wouldn’t be here. You feel that concern, you live with it, you know its crushing weight.” Clare O’Dea