Blood Moon over Solferino: On building hope on battlegrounds
“Some business trips don’t go quite as planned. Take Henry Dunant, for example. The 31-year-old Swiss businessman from Geneva was on his way to meet with Napoleon III in Italy, to discuss water rights in Algeria, when he reached the small village of Solferino. He was met with a sight so harrowing that it would forever change his life and subsequently that of hundreds and thousands more.” Susan Platt on what really matters.
Articles of Association
Article 1 Name and Registered Office Under the name of “The Woolf” exists a non-profit making association (Verein) in the sense of articles 60 to 79 of the Swiss Civil Code. This Association is an independent legal entity with legal capacity. It is governed by Swiss law. Its duration is unlimited. The Association is domiciled in Zurich. The official language of the Association is English. Article 2 Purpose The...