In Conversation: Erinrose Sullivan
On post-digital content, and if there’s any such thing as a Zeitgeist … Lausanne-based Erinrose Sullivan is a senior marketing executive and analyst who helps businesses make sense of the digital world. She works as a strategist across various sectors including the telecom, gaming and entertainment industries.
A Place for Persecuted Writers in Switzerland
Melinda Nadj Abonji, Adi Blum and Ulrike Ulrich are the initiators of a new writers-in-exile programme for Switzerland. The Woolf talked to Adi Blum, of the Swiss German PEN Centre to learn more.
Gallery: Zeitgeist
Liz Eve is an award-winning, Berlin-based photographer and writer with a passion for documenting architecture, construction and sustainable design. “My main topic for personal work was the ‘non places’ within the city, areas that groups such as collectives of artists, skateboarders, street runners, organisers of parties and raves, musicians and graffiti writers used to create different experiences. These in-between spaces, whether temporally or spatially defined, act as a magnet for those operating outside of social norms and rules.”
In Conversation: Liz Eve, photographer
“My main topic for personal work was the ‘non places’ within the city, areas that groups such as collectives of artists, skateboarders, street runners, organisers of parties and raves, musicians and graffiti writers used to create different experiences. These in-between spaces, whether temporally or spatially defined, act as a magnet for those operating outside of social norms and rules.” The Woolf talks to Berlin-based award-winning photographer Liz Eve.
The Next Big Thing? Germany
In 2009-2010, Germany’s sales of ebooks were around 1.5 million, representing 0.8% of the German book market. Around two years behind the trends in the US, the market began to expand, at first slowly, then it mushroomed. Industry experts predict that for the year 2014-2015, ebook sales will reach over 60 and will account for 25% of all book sales in Germany. The Woolf talks to editor Susanne Weigand and independent author, blogger and journalist Matthias Matting.
Notes from the Unexpected: Daniel Nufer and Pile of Books
“The first time I happened upon Pile of Books, a few months earlier, was just as disorienting. It beckoned like an Edward Hopper that had come to life and, were it not for the campy Come In, We’re Open! sign on the door, I could have been peering into a person’s private library. In some respects, I was.” D.B. Miller visits Daniel Nufer at Pile of Books in the next instalment of Notes from the Unexpected.
Emily Bronte is Dead
“What is it that makes us love or hate a piece of literature? Do I love Ginsberg because he gives me a window in the zeitgeist of 1960s America: Sex, angst and drugs? Yes. Do I love Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein because she exposes me to a society where the wonder of electricity was something to be feared?” Johanna Sargeant on
Writing 4 Young People
What happens when 35 writers for young people, a children’s agent, and an editor gather in the centre of Zurich? You get a room that’s buzzing with hope, aspiration and imagination. HS Norup and Sherida Deeprose give a round-up from February’s workshop. On Saturday 25 January, Nuance Words presented Writing 4 Young People, a workshop featuring literary agent Julia Churchill (A. M. Heath) and editor Sara O’Connor (Hot Key Books)....