Eve of destruction: a childhood home
“Those walls and rooms, the fields under that bright spread of sky, contained me in my earliest years. A family house is one of your guardians. As a quiet, imaginative child, I had spent as much time alone with it, on my inward paths, as I had with its people. I had a relationship with it in its own right.” Novelist and ghostwriter Roz Morris opens a window onto the decaying life within her childhood home.
In Conversation: David Penny
“I think part of the current love affair with history is down to the world we live in now. Our lives are fast, instant, and you are never out of touch. Transport flies us around the globe in hours, communication is constant, and news stories all come at us faster than we can consume them. Speed and instant gratification have become our holy grail.” David Penny speaks with J.J. Marsh.
In Conversation: Alison Morton
“My own time in the military was in the 1980s when our main threat was that of the Soviets pouring over the East German frontier.” Alison Morton talks about her historical fiction, and Roma Nova, an imaginary remnant of the Roman Empire where she sets her six novels, in which the women largely hold power.
Bringing Legend to Life
Historical fiction writer JD Smith on Tristan and Iseult, and the challenges and rewards of adapting myths and legends for the page;