Goings-on in the city of Zürich and beyond … A selection of literary and cultural events around the city this winter.
If you’d like to see your event listed, please contact us via our editorial page.

Image detail, courtesy of Kaye Llewelyn
Books … and authors
Kaufleuten has an interesting array of guests coming up, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., John Lanchester and Ahmad Mansour.
A full and lively programme of poetry, readings and discussion is available at Literaturhaus Zürich.
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow …” Kulturmama is holding another Storytime in the Gemeindebibliothek in Thalwil: Monday, 14 December. Storytime is a free, monthly story corner geared towards the pre-school set (ages 3-5, siblings welcome!). Get in contact with Marisa here.
At The Bookshop
Diccon Bewes will be signing Around Switzerland in 80 Maps on Sunday, 12 December, 15:00-17:00.
First Saturday of the month—Story Hour. Drop off your darlings and browse with a 10% discount.
Save the date …
Geneva Writers’ Conference is 18-20 March. http://www.genevawritersgroup.org/conference/
The Woolf Quarterly will be holding its annual Spring workshop in May 2016. Details to be announced in February’s issue.
Friday, 11 December, 10:45-11:45 a story-telling event at Children First non-profit association (Freiestrasse 175, 8032 Zürich). Three seasonal stories in English, French and German will be read by experienced native-speaking teachers. CHF 10 for first child, CHF 5 for subsequent kids, and for each attendee, a book will be donated to Room to Read charity. More information here.
10, 12, 13 December: Tanzhaus Zürich. ‘XXY’ is a solo dance performance investigating gender roles and identity through the synthesis of physical theatre and kabuki.
16 January 2016: New Generation’s annual Self-Publishing Summit, London. Discussion around the independent publishing industry, including pitching opportunities, Q&A with successful authors, discussion around future trends and marketing, as well as opportunities to network.